A letter from our Board President

September 20, 2023

Dear Sangha,

Mountain Stream’s Board of Directors, staff, and dedicated sangha members have compiled reports on a) progress on our three year Strategic Plan and b) our first multi-year fundraising campaign, Rooted in the Dharma (see links below). The year-end financial report will be made available when all the data is compiled in the coming months.

For those who would like to review our community’s strategic plan, the following link will bring you to that page (strategic plan). You can also read the workstream reports from the teams and committees tasked with fulfilling the strategic plan on that page.

Together, we can feel satisfaction in all we’ve accomplished, and review with interest and curiosity what still remains to be done. As Sangha, let’s continue to provide a sustainable future for Mountain Stream and our beloved Village Temple, both of which have nourished us through the past many years, from inception through the pandemic, to the present re-opening, and into a future rich with possibilities.

With deep gratitude,

Alison Sweetser
2023 Board President

Board Report - September 2023
Rooted in the Dharma Summary - September 2023