““I am so pleased that over the years through a grassroots system we have each discovered the dharma, and through that inspiration we have created a wave....a movement that now manifests itself as a viable center which will serve us now and into the next generation.”- John Travis
In 1994, Mountain Stream Meditation became a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. Our purpose is be a resource and a support for Insight Meditation (Vipassana) practice. Through this endeavor we learn from and respond to one of the Buddha’s core teachings, The Three Jewels or The Three Refuges: Buddha (awakening), Dharma (truth), and Sangha (spiritual community).
To offer the Dharma, support the Sangha, and promote skillful means as a path to awakening.
Rooted in Buddhist Insight Meditation, our vision at Mountain Stream is to provide a welcoming refuge. We are committed to cultivating a community that embodies the Buddha’s teachings of wisdom and compassion and applying those teachings to our daily lives, for the benefit of all beings.
The Buddhist ethics of non-harming are the foundation for our values.
Diversity and Inclusion: May we welcome all to our community, regardless of country of origin, race, skin color, sexual and gender identities, sexual orientation, beliefs, religion, age, political affiliation, body size and shape, native language, socio economic status, education level, experience with practice, mental and physical abilities, neurodivergence, mental or emotional state, relationship status, profession, citizenship status, addiction status, family structure, health conditions, and personality types such as introversion or extroversion. Everyone is valued here. If there are aspects of identity not explicitly mentioned, know that you too are welcome and valued in our community. Additionally, we are committed to learning and growing together; please let us know if there are other identities we should acknowledge to make our community more inclusive.
Generosity: May we cultivate joy through open-handed giving as a foundational part of our practice, as exemplified by the teaching of the Buddha.
Loving-Kindness: May we live with an open-heart.
Deep Listening & Wise Speech: May we nurture trust, inquiry, and understanding.
Transparency: May we act responsibly and with accountability in all we do. Compassion: May we demonstrate care for the suffering of ourselves and others.
Wisdom: May we deepen and grow through our practices together. May we aspire to liberation for the benefit of all.
Service: May we skillfully respond to and serve the needs of the broader community to the best of our ability.