Pictured (Left to Right): 2024 Board of Directors: Priscilla Barton, John Travis, Marcia Craighead, Alison Sweetser, Adam Stonebraker, Robert Trent, Sharon Lane, and David Mazzola.

A letter from your Board President - Alison Sweetser

Mountain Stream Board meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month.
Please note: There is no open Board meeting in March. The Board will be on retreat in a closed session on March 16.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, 2025 @3:00 PM

Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 228 183 4980
Password: 2656111
Join by Phone: 669-900-9128

Board Mission Statement

The Mountain Stream Board of Directors, in collaboration with the Teachers and Administrative team, undertakes the role of providing leadership that reflects the mission, vision and values of this organization. The Board commits to a shared responsibility to serve the needs of the Sangha (spiritual community), and all beings, now and for future generations.

Board Committee Search

Mountain Stream is entering a new stage of development: We are looking to expand our Board of Directors. You can make a difference by providing leadership, stewardship and engaging our community. read more

Board Meetings

The community is welcome to attend.
Meetings are scheduled for two hours. Currently all board meetings are held in person and via Zoom: The Zoom link is Monday’s email from Mountain Stream.

The community is welcome to attend board meetings. It’s a great way to learn more about Mountain Stream Meditation, our programs, and our facility, the Nevada City Insight Center. Please call 530-265-6111 for more information on attending a board meeting. Board meetings are open to the community, however some part of a meeting may be a closed session for Board members and advisors only.

A special time at the start of each board meeting is reserved for community members to speak or ask questions on any subject. If you would like to speak during this time, it would be helpful for you to email Alison Sweetser or Marcia Craighead at least a day or two before the meeting if possible. Emails are alison@mtstream.org or marcia@mtstream.org.

A general outline of our Mountain Stream Board meeting Agenda includes:
Reading Mindful Interaction Guidelines, Sit, Welcome, Community Comments/Questions, MS Business by Committee, Financials and Fundraising.

If you would like a copy of the agenda, please email robyn.hennon@mtstream.org
If you’d like to receive the monthly approved minutes, please email juanita@mtstream.org

2023 Board of Directors

(Click here for individual biographies)

Founding Teacher
John M. Travis

Resident Guiding Teacher
Adam Stonebraker

Alison Sweetser
Marcia Craighead
Members at Large
Priscilla Barton
Sharon Lane
Adam Stonebraker
Robert Trent
Board Advisor
Randall Harris

Members of the Board of Directors are volunteers. They do not receive any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for their service as board members.

Committees & Contact Information

Committees serve under the direction of the Board of Directors and the Teacher Council.
The Mountain Stream Board of Directors is actively seeking new committee members.
To become a committee member is a great way to contribute to our community.

For more information, you may view and download our Committee Recruitment Packet.

If you would like to serve the Sangha by being on a committee, please email the committee chair shown below, or email Robyn Hennon robyn.hennon@mtstream.org or Alison Sweetser alison@mtstream.org

Teacher’s Council
Our Teacher’s Council includes all those who lead sitting groups, daylongs and residential retreats. Members are Adam Stonebraker, Resident Guiding Teacher, John Travis, Founding Teacher, Mary Helen Fein, Maeve Hassett, Bruce Pardoe, Marcia Craighead, and Ken Bradford.
Adam is a graduate of Sacred Mountain Sangha’s 2-year Dharmapala Training. John received training as a Spirit Rock Teacher, and Mary Helen, Maeve, Bruce and Marcia are Spirit Rock trained Community Dharma Leaders.

Ethics and Reconciliation Council
Chair: Maeve Hassett, hassettmaeve@gmail.com
Paul Steege, Anita Hansen

Program Committee
Chair: Robyn Hennon, robyn.hennon@mtstream.org
Members: Paul Steege, Miyu Tamamura, Carol Fernandes, Priscilla Barton, Alison Sweetser, Marcia Craighead

Fundraising Committee
Chair: Philip Vardara, pgvardara@icloud.com
Members: Mary Helen Fein, Marcia Craighead, Stu Clancy, Alison Sweetser, Randall Harris, Priscilla Barton, Sharon Lane, Robyn Hennon

Financial Committee
Chair: David Mazzola, dcmazzola@outlook.com
Members: Robyn Hennon, Marcia Craighead

Facility Committee
Chair: Jeff Corbett, corbett@slac.stanford.edu
Members: Philip Vardara, Sharon Lane
Associate members: Alison Sweetser, Marcia Craighead, Robyn Hennon

Community Building
Chair: Corinne Collins, ojaicorinne@gmail.com
Members: Jen Scott, Alison Sweetser, Marcia Craighead, Douglas Raglin