Please visit this page for recent information about programs at Mountain Stream

Rocklin Sitting Group

The Rocklin Sangha was established in 2006 by teachers Mary Helen Fein and Maeve Hassett, Community Dharma Leaders. We meet every Monday night with a few holiday exclusions.

Our meetings are either Zoom or in person, please check calendar for details.

To be added to our mailing list and be provided with a weekly email update that contains the link for Zoom meetings please contact : Donna Hogue

We meet in person at Shepherd of the Sierra Church, 5400 Barton Road, (corner of Rocklin Rd and Barton Rd) Loomis

Please allow 5-10 minutes prior to the meeting to be signed in for Zoom. We begin silent meditation at 6:30pm for 30 minutes. The sitting is followed by a dharma talk from our teacher and then group discussion if time allows. We close with the metta prayer at 8pm.

For any questions about our group please contact:

Tony Pruitt, Rocklin Sitting Group 916-718-1515

Donna Hogue, Rocklin Sitting Group 916-532-6955

Maeve Hassett, Community Dharma Leader 530-887-1573

Calendar content maintained by Donna Hogue

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