Selected Teachings of Ajahn Chah Affinity Group
Location: Online Only - see Zoom link below
Dates: 4 consecutive Wednesdays: May 14, 21, 28 & June 4, 2025
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm PT
Registration: We encourage participants to pre-register for this 4-week series; this will help the discussion leaders to prepare for each session. However, it is not necessary to attend every session.
To register, please email:
Cost: There is no registration fee associated with this Affinity Group. Participants are encouraged to consider providing dana/donations directly to Mountain Stream to sustain our continuing programs, as the facilitators freely offer their time as a service to the community. Any level of generosity that is received is deeply appreciated ~ thank you.
Affinity Group Dana
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 8078 5743
Join by Phone: +1(669) 900-6833
Series Description: This four-week discussion group is designed for both sangha members new to the profound teachings of Ajahn Chah, a primary teacher within Mountain Stream’s lineage, and for those familiar with his teachings who would like to deepen their understanding and application in daily life.
Carol Fernandes and Randall Harris, both long-time dedicated practitioners, will serve as discussion leaders; they are not dharma teachers. This same series was presented in previous years and participants have expressed appreciation for the value they received from each week’s reading, and through rich group discussion and further contemplation.
Program Overview:
Each week, participants will be asked to read a brief Ajahn Chah teaching prior to the session and come prepared to listen and discuss the contents to both deepen insight/understanding and to reflect on opportunities for direct practice.
Links to each week’s teaching are provided below.
May 14:
A wonderful overview and introduction to include principles and elements of practice
May 21:
Foundational, timeless teachings around training the heart
May 28:
Inspiring wisdom about calming the mind
June 4:
Ajahn Chah provides guidance in the practice of meditation
Click here for information about how YOU can design/lead an Affinity Group