Clear Path
Knowing this is a desperate journey.
Untangling our projections and stories.
Sitting on the edge of our history.
Knowing that refusing entry would only
Pull us farther and farther out to sea.
Resolving not to leave this fire for another day.
But to sit in the center attending to breath after breath.
With this simple refrain. "I am here. I am here."
Aware--deep down knowing breath could be shallow or deep,
Sometimes Long or short,
Always attempting to catch it.
Releasing ---softening---breathing.
Supported by this eternal presence.
Life breathing itself.
How great to know it has worked for eons.
Slowly dissolving the old darkness.
Tentacles from the past ---dissolving.
The power of the breath releasing multiple contractions,
Giving way to the certainty.
"This breath is enough."
Awakening assured by our lineage.
So clearly spelled out.