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(Virtual) Kittisaro - Guest Teacher

Join this evening’s sit and dharma talk via Zoom ~ or join us in the Meditation Hall

Kittisaro will reflect on the power and efficaciousness of mantra (and sacred word), exploring how that practice relates to the deepening of refuge. Chanting, or internally holding a sacred word, is a pathway for cultivating the skillful use of thought, and gradually learning how to recognize and abide in the timeless unified heart that is not bound by thought. Recitation is a powerful tool for freeing the heart from conceptual proliferations, and returning to the home ground of the luminous silent ever-listening awareness, within which the whole world appears and dissolves.

Join us in person:
We will livestream the Dharma talk into the Meditation Hall
Nevada City Insight Center
710 Zion St
Nevada City, CA 95959

Join our Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 228 183 4980
Password: 2656111
Join by Phone: 669-900-9128

Bio: Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Kittisaro graduated from Princeton as a Rhodes Scholar. After leaving Oxford in 1976, he ordained with Ajahn Chah in Thailand. During his 15 years as a Buddhist monk, he helped found Chithurst and Hartridge Monasteries in the UK. Since disrobing in 1991, he has taught meditation internationally in the States, Europe, South Africa, and Israel. Inspired and guided by Master Hsuan Hua and his disciples since 1980, he has extensively studied and practiced Chan, Pure Land, and the recitation of mantras. Dedicated to the unification of the Mahayana and Theravada teachings, Kittisaro is interested in how the two traditions balance and support one another. Having completed two year-long self retreats, he enjoys exploring embodied meditation, wise reflection, and the power of puja recitation. Kittisaro is a core teacher at Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts, guiding teacher of Chattanooga Insight in Tennessee, and a Core Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California. He is co-founder with his wife, Thanissara, of Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat in South Africa, and Sacred Mountain Sangha, a public charity in Sebastopol. He is co-author with Thanissara of Listening to the Heart: A Contemplative Journey to Engaged Buddhism.

Teacher Support: All donations for this evening’s session will go to Kittisaro - Thank you!

To donate by credit card: MONDAY NIGHT DONATION (DANA)
Or to offer a donation by check:
Mountain Stream Meditation
PO Box 2510
Nevada City, CA 95959

In the memo line, please indicate donation to the teacher or the program date.
Thank you for all the ways you participate and for your generosity!