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(In Person) Sitting and Sangha

Join us for a 35 minute meditation followed by peer-led discussion/sharing. We will be exploring various teachings of the Buddha and will provide handouts at each session as a reference.

We begin the evening with a period of sitting meditation followed by a dharma discussion led by long-time Mountain Stream practitioners, Mountain Stream community leaders. Meetings will be held on a drop-in basis and no meditation experience is necessary.

Donations (dana) to support our village temple (the Center) are gratefully and graciously accepted.

To donate by credit card: TUESDAY SITTING & SANGHA DONATION

Or to offer a donation by check:
Mountain Stream Meditation
PO Box 2510, Nevada City, CA 95959

In the memo line, please indicate the program date you are donating to.
Thank you for all the ways you participate and for your generosity!