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(Virtual) Denise Barclay - Visiting Teacher

Denise Barclay - Mindfulness of Body, Breath and the Parami of Patience
This evening we will be connecting very gentle movement for all bodies and breathing to establish ourselves in the first foundation of mindfulness.  In this process of settling and collecting we can notice the ways that our attention is only partially available when we experience the activities of worry, high or low energy, clinging or doubt. In our contemplation of our past and present relationships to these bodies remembering to bring in the parami of patience to this whole process.

Bio - Denise began teaching yoga in 1998, completing teacher training with Doug Swenson and the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Kim Orenstein. She has been practicing Vipassana (Insight) Meditation since 1995. In May of 2012 she finished the Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training (MYMT) with Phillip Moffitt, Mark Coleman and Anne Cushman through Spirit Rock Meditation Center and was authorized to teach mindfulness and meditation.  In 2013, with the Spirit Rock authorization, her teaching expanded to mindfulness, movement and insight meditation classes and daylong and weekend retreats. She  was named a Lay Leader for Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community soon after. She has been a student of Dharma Teacher Heather Sundberg since 2013, and is in her 8th year as a participant in her Committed Students Program.  
Denise is a wife and mother and brings her two loves, the philosophy of Yoga and Buddha Dharma, to her over 24 years of teaching. In addition, what she brings to her work as a Reiki Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach is her own personal experience of nearly 40 years in self-exploration, healing and mindfulness.
Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 228 183 4980
Password: 2656111
Join by Phone: 669-900-9128

Teacher Support: All donations for this evening’s session is being offered to Denise Barclay - Thank You!


To offer a donation by check:
Mountain Stream Meditation
PO Box 2510
Nevada City, CA 95959
In the memo line, please indicate the program date you are donating to.
Thank you for all the ways you participate and for your generosity!