Miyu Tamamura presents this monthly program the first Thursday of the month.
Sound Healing: “Opening our hearts to welcome & embrace the New Year!”
Join Miyu as she leads a Guided Meditation, shares a variety of relevant poetry, and holds the space as we sit community silence.
Join our Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 228 183 4980
Password: 2656111
Join by Phone: 669-900-9128
Teacher Support: Donations received for this evenings session are equally shared with Miyu and Mountain Stream
Mountain Stream Meditation PayPal.me/mtstream
Miyu Tamamura PayPal.me/miyutamamura
Or to offer a donation by check:
Mountain Stream Meditation
PO Box 2510
Nevada City, CA 95959
In the memo line, please indicate donation to the teacher or the program date.
Thank you for all the ways you participate and for your generosity!