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(Virtual) John Travis - Solstice Ritual

John Travis - Solstice Ritual
Join us for a traditional Buddhist honoring of the darkest night of the year and the welcoming in of the light. John will chant the Refuges and Precepts that we can all take into our homes or where ever we are dwelling.
If you would like to participate by finding an object from home or some item that is meaningful for you, we will empower that object to hold and carry our intentions into everyday life.
There is some solace for the darkness: On Monday night, Jupiter and Saturn will almost kiss in the night sky, appearing as one bright planet. The last time they came this visibly close to each other was in the year 1226.

Monday Dec 21 at 6 pm to 7:30 pm (PST)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 228 183 4980
Password: 2656111
Join by Phone: 669-900-9128

Teacher Support: All donations for this evenings’ teachings will be equally divided between our teacher and Mountain Stream.
To donate using PayPal:
Or to offer a donation by check:
Mountain Stream Meditation
PO Box 2510
Nevada City, CA 95959
In the memo line, please indicate donation to the teacher or the program date.
Thank you for all the ways you participate and for your generosity!