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(Virtual) Dawn Scott - Guest Teacher

Teacher: Dawn Scott
Topic: Loving No Matter What
Description:  The turbulence of our times is asking us to discover for ourselves how to love.  The word love has many associations.  However, the love of compassion and equanimity is vigorous and peaceful, open to pain yet free of suffering, urgent with a vision of freedom yet patient.  It reveals a vast and immense heart that can look on and immediately be in touch with beauty and horror and stay steady, loving no matter what.  During our time together--respecting our reactivity, overwhelm, and other afflictive states--we'll explore the hearts wide and deep capacity for compassion and equanimity.  

Bio: Dawn Scott has been practicing Insight Meditation since 2008.  She is a teacher-trainee in the current Insight Meditation Society’s teacher training program.  Dawn has a deep love of long retreat practice and the Buddha's teachings of awakening.  

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