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Introduction to Insight Meditation in Nevada City, CA

Bruce Pardoe, is teaching this Fall's Introduction to Insight Meditation series. It will be held at The Nevada City Insight Center, 710 Zion Street in Nevada City. Classes are 4 consecutive evenings from Tuesday, October 31, through Friday, November 3, from 7:00pm to 8:40pm (see flyer for further details.) New in 2017, the series includes a half daylong on Saturday, November 4 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and is open to anyone who wishes to attend. 

Registration is required for the 4 evening classes and the half day retreat. The cost for the entire series (4 evenings) plus the half day is a sliding scale $50 - $65. The cost for only the half daylong is $20. There will be an opportunity to offer Dana (generosity) for the teacher and is graciously accepted to the extent a person is able to give. Scholarships are available, please contact the registrar if you have concerns about payment. 

For a further information and details about this series please read the attached flyer.

To register contact:

Click here for the Nevada City Class Flyer