A Letter from the Board President
January 22, 2016
Dear Sangha Friends,
As Mountain Stream Meditation celebrates its third anniversary in our beautiful and tranquil Nevada City Insight Center, I would like to share with you some of the actions the Board of Directors is taking to assure the sustainability of the programs and activities that support your meditation practices and spiritual path
The current eight member board, working in close partnership with the Executive Director, has defined its governance responsibilities and focused its efforts around four strategic initiatives. These are:
Foundation: Ensuring that we have the organizational structures and personnel in place to effectively and efficiently manage the Center and deliver all of the programs which serve the sangha.
Funding and Finances: Clearly identifying and managing all expenditures and developing funding strategies to meet our financial needs.
Use Permit: Working with community agencies and our neighbors in order to make full use of the center and property.
Family Program and Inclusiveness: Expanding and extending dharma teachings and actions within the broadest possible community.
In each of these important areas, the board is working hard to establish and ultimately accomplish clear objectives. We are deeply committed to the long term sustainability of Mountain Stream Meditation and the Nevada City Insight Center. Our intention is to communicate frequently with all of you and to provide opportunities for your support and engagement in deepening both personal and community practices of the Dharma.
On behalf of the board and with much metta,
Russ Jones
Interim Board President