Workstream Report
Facility Workstream Report - October 2022
Team Members: Brad Dell, Jeff Corbett, Diane Cornwall (garden advisor)
Shorter term projects:
-Put together an estimate to replace the cover where the pool equipment currently resides (way underground!). We hope to get measurements this week and an estimate the following week.
-Continue to look at options for the walkway issues. This would include concrete grinding, use of asphalt and anything else that can be thought of. Completely repouring the walkways is most likely too expensive. Removal completely would be labor intensive but far cheaper if they were turned into paths.
-Going through the irrigation for the center. Mostly to see if there are any leaks in the soaker hoses and could they be replaced by drip lines. That should not take too long.
Long-term projects:
Get back to the area along the fence line facing west and clear out the over and undergrowth. This includes pulling lots of ivy.
Limbing up of the trees along that fence line.
Demolition and hauling away of the structure in the southwest corner of the property.
Fire-wise work on grounds and buildings
We were able to secure a quick turnaround for work at the center from Jim Norman of Trees Unlimited, and at a reduced quote from a previous one. He did trimming and limbing:
-The laurel hedge is now brought down to a manageable 8’ height, and he trimmed back the sides both on the parking lot and the Reward St side.
-Trimmed broken branches high in the dogwood tree outside the kitchen.
-Sculpted the holly tree near the entry.
- Cabled the one cedar near the cottage that needed cabling.
We’re still looking for some insured service to remove the ivy and pine needles between the cottage and boathouse, at least 30’ back from the buildings.
Shrubbery near buildings
The main risk from what are green irrigated plants is from the leaf debris under them. The job of clearing and collecting this will be assigned to a volunteer effort on Satiurday cleanup days. This includes the debris under the laurels which now after the trimming work is accessible.
Completed project: Events sign for center
Two signs were printed, and now they have both been installed on the entry drive sign posts.
Future Maintenance / Capital Projects / Expenses: Existing Buildings
We were able to identify rough estimates for potential maintenance costs for the next decade. Since costs vary over time, these can be reviewed over time and amended when necessary. Potential capital projects for the future are next to be identified and estimates
Future Maintenance/ Capital projects expenses: Grounds
Awaiting feedback from inquiries to Manufacturers regarding last month’s estimates.
· Reward St. Pedestrian Gateway
Would become a handsome and strong visual form of MS’s presence to passing traffic and allow a helpful pedestrian access.
· Meditation Pavilion
Outdoor venue for unsupervised drop-in meditators, or seasonally larger sitting groups.
This would be a good one for a capital campaign, because with a design it becomes very tangible. $10,000- $30,000**
· Gardening Vault/Shed. With replacement of the Boat house with the Pavilion, gardening shed could be incorporated with the existing water service vault. $1500**
· Landscaping consultation. If it’s seen as worthwhile we could seek consultation with a landscape specialist for design ideas (Rebecca Coffman helped with the original plan)
$1000 assuming verbal consulting with minimal sketches or drawings.
Trees/landscaping. for providing spring color and some shade in the hottest areas of our yard.
5 trees @ $200= $1000**. Planting by volunteers.
· Memorial Stupa. Recognition for passed sangha members. Outside on the front lawn. Could be a fun project and mostly a volunteer effort to help build a tighter sangha. $2000**
· Automated irrigation system for yard.
Estimating this will depend on other possible projects for the yard.
$5000 in 10 yrs**
Future Maintenance/ Capital projects expenses: Existing Buildings
· Expansion of hybrid broadcast system incorporating both attendees and internet (to be determined as we go.
· Reroofing of center (seat of the pants estimate- until roofer gives quote) $8000 in 10 yrs**
· Paint bldg. $5000 in 10 yrs.**
· Garage Remodel. If strategic plan indicates need for more floor space for meeting room, yoga studio, tearoom expansion, etc. garage could be incorporated into same level floor plan. $8000**
· Kitchen/Tea room remodel. Open the kitchen and tearoom to make it more expansive and open. $3000**
Here are some ideas under consideration:
· Build a permanent roofed frame that would hold a display box with hinged glass window where printed signs could be hung and regularly changed (frame cost $300). To make printing of signs easiest a 24” inkjet printer could be employed which could be used on occasion for other changing center postings or signage. ($500+ cost)
· Alternatively , there could be a digitally connected electronic sign that would replace the paper printout so changes could be made directly from a computer. It depends on codes and cost, and we’re still awaiting feedback from the city planner.
**These cost estimates are subject to variation due to there being no present concrete design, and the unprecedented instability in the general economy. Targets will be updated as we go.