Board of Directors Positions Now Open

We are excited to announce that Mountain Stream is entering a new stage of development! In-person programming and events are now being offered, and more to come as we look towards the future.

Our fiscal year begins October 1, 2022 and we invite those interested to become more involved in leadership and engage with the community in a greater way, by joining our Board of Directors. Our board is an all-volunteer board, currently with seven members and a vision to expand by 3-5 new members.

Board members are committed stewards of Mountain Stream Meditation (MSM) and the Nevada City Insight Center and are central to the realization of the mission, vision and values. Board members commit to:

  • Serve for at least one year

  • Attend one meeting per month, for two hours (typically by zoom)

  • Represent the board as a liaison by joining at least one MSM committee

  • Make an annual financial contribution appropriate to individual means

  • Volunteer to help with Mountain Stream projects and efforts, as needed and desired

To read more about being a member of Mountain Stream’s Board of Directors, we encourage you to please view the Roles & Responsibilities and then contact Board President, Mary Helen Fein at with any questions or inquiries.

If you are interested, please contact Mary Helen Fein, see above. Per the bylaws, the Board will then elect to fill open positions from those interested. Officer positions are decided amongst board members beginning in January of 2023.

Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

Mary Helen Fein
Board President

We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this important opportunity.