The Nature of the Mind: Dropping in to Openness
A 5-night Introductory Dzogchen Retreat
Ken Bradford
Location: Big Springs Retreat Center, Sierra County, CA
Dates: Tuesday, July 2 to Sunday, July 7

Registration is closed.
To register and receive more information about this unique Introduction to Dzogchen Retreat and fabulous new venue - Big Springs Retreat Center - contact our Retreat Registrar:
Vivian Andrews:

Retreat Description: This introduction to Dzogchen retreat is devoted to distinguishing the mind and mind-states from the open nature of the mind. Dropping into and recognizing naked nowness is the indispensable foundation for becoming more stable in the awakened efflorescence of awareness as such (Bodhicitta).

Retreat practice follows the four contemplative yogas of Dzogchen, which mirror the four yogas of Mahamudra. As an introductory immersion, and true to the original presentation of Dzogchen, this approach is considered appropriate for whoever finds themself drawn to it, regardless of prior experience or training. It’s all about opening to beginner’s mind.
Still, having a meditative practice of calm abiding and insight is recommended. And it is a real plus to be keen on softening-up uncle ego through cultivating loving-kindness and self-compassion.

The retreat schedule will alternate between group teaching, practice and discussion sessions with time for individual contemplation.

Accommodations: Big Springs Retreat Center has four large cabins beautifully situated beneath the pines that accommodate five to nine people in each cabin. All cabins have three shared bathrooms. In addition, there are two ADA suites with two twin beds each. Every cabin includes a shared tea station and small refrigerator. Retreat participants are also welcome to camp on wooden tent platforms above the main buildings. There is a central Bathhouse with an indoor and outdoor private shower, and two ADA compliant bathrooms.

Registration Rates & Accommodations for this 5- Night Retreat:

  • Supporter Guaranteed Single Room - $2,250:
    The Supporter rate supports your fellow practitioners and guarantees a single room accommodation; A charitable tax-deductible portion is the difference between the Sustainer Shared Room rate and this rate.

  • Benefactor Shared Room - $1,795:
    The Benefactor rate supports your fellow practitioners; A charitable tax-deductible portion is the difference between the Sustainer Shared Room rate and this rate.

  • Sustainer Shared Room - $1,495:
    The Sustainer rate covers the cost of the program. No charitable tax-deductible portion.

  • Basic Shared Room - $995: 
    The Basic rate covers a small portion of the cost of the program. No charitable tax-deductible portion.

  • Tent Platform - $675:
    The tent rate covers a small portion of the cost of the program. No charitable tax-deductible portion.

*Four ADA compliant twin beds in shared rooms are available. If interested inquire with our retreat registrar, Vivian Andrews
 **Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford. Your generosity supports Mountain Stream, staff, and fellow practitioners.

The full registration payment is due upon registration. Included in the registration is a $300 non-refundable deposit.

Scholarships: Mountain Stream announces a new Retreat Scholarship Fund for retreats at Big Springs Garden Retreat Center this summer/fall season.

Big Springs Retreat Center is open for a few previously scheduled retreats this summer and fall. A generous donor has come forward to offer a special scholarship fund for some of these 2024 retreats. The intention is to financially support those who wish to experience deep retreat in the beauty of this natural landscape.

This scholarship fund is available for the following Big Springs retreats the Ken Bradford
5-Night retreat in July, the John Travis 7-Night retreat in August, and the Adam Stonebraker & Dawn Mauricio retreat in September.  

Scholarships are offered based on an individual’s self-assessed need. Each person can determine the amount they need to attend the retreat. Using an honor system approach, a person can ask for funds of $50 - $350. There is no need to apply for a scholarship, the funds are available to everyone who is attending, even those who are already registered.

This scholarship can be used to upgrade from a tent platform to a shared room or possibly from a shared double occupancy to a single room, pending on the availability of accommodations.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this retreat scholarship, please reach out to the Retreat Registrar, Vivian Andrews.

We are very grateful for the generous donor who made this retreat scholarship possible, thank you!

Donations for Teacher & Staff: In keeping with the Buddhist practice of generosity (dana), there will be an opportunity to offer dana (donation) to our teacher, retreat manager, and bodhi chef. All of whom are not being compensated for their efforts in supporting the retreat.

Big Springs Retreat Center: Nestled in a turquoise forest opening to the natural stupa spires of the Sierra Buttes, Big (Maha) Springs is a spring fed, sky-windowed residential retreat center in the Yuba river drainage. An enchanting, contemplative sanctuary latticed with walking trails, ponds and meditative nooks and crannies, it provides comfortable lodging (single and shared rooms and camping platforms) and serves nourishing food from a master Bodhi Chef.

Teacher Bio: Ken Bradford is a contemplative yogin, author and Dharma teacher integrating a wide arc of Buddhist, Dzogchen and psychological thought and practice. His heart teachers include Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Joseph Goldstein, Ruth Denison and Tsoknyi Rinpoche, among others. Formerly, he maintained a psychotherapy practice in the San Francisco Bay area and was Adjunct Professor at John F. Kennedy University and CIIS. His publications include Opening Yourself: The Psychology and Yoga of Self-liberation (2021); The I of the Other: Mindfulness-Based Diagnosis & the Question of Sanity (2013); and Listening from the Heart of Silence: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy, Vol. 2 (2007, with John Prendergast); as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles intertwining psychology and spirituality. Website: